Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New gaedt Version: 0.8.6

AppEditor_Handlers.pngWell, it's been too long since I announced the release of version 0.8.5 of gaedt. Unfortunately some events unrelated to the project have delayed the 0.8.6 release, but it's out now!

There are a couple of new things in this release. The first notable addition is the Handlers tab of the Application Editor. Now you can add, remove, rearrange, and edit all of the handlers in your app.yaml file without using a text editor. This functionality brings the Application Editor to a minimum level of completeness. There are some quality of life improvements still to be made, but functionally we believe the editor is complete. Disagree? Let us know!

SDKView.pngAnother small but interesting addition to gaedt is the introduction of the SDK view. This is a simple view that users can utilize to determine what version of the Google App Engine SDK is currently active. Note that the gaedt automatically downloads the latest Google App Engine SDK, so this view is informational only. Ok that's not entirely true - there is a "Check for Updates" button in the top-right part of the view. That button will force gaedt to check for a newer SDK. Since gaedt typically only checks for new SDK versions on Eclipse startup, that button may be useful to some users.

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